21/01223/FUL |
Mr K Niblett |
26th March 2021 |
Erection of a garage building |
Pending Consideration |
21/02270/FUL |
Mr J Hamer |
11th June 2021 |
Erection of small farm cafe, change of use of land and re-alignment of access... |
Pending Consideration |
19/05522/FUL |
Mr G Dransfield |
7th January 2020 |
Erection three underground properties for tourism/leisure operations; siting of... |
Pending Consideration |
21/03611/FUL |
Mr & Ms Carter / Brion |
17th August 2021 |
Erection of a 10 panel 4kw freestanding solar panels in field to serve property |
Pending Consideration |
21/01675/DIS |
CZW Homes |
1st April 2021 |
Discharge of conditions 4 (external materials), 5 (roof windows), 6 (external... |
Pending Consideration |
21/02924/OUT |
Messrs Finch, Oates and Marter |
10th June 2021 |
Outline application under for the erection of a detached open market dwelling... |
Pending Consideration |
21/00236/VAR |
West Mercia Police |
28th January 2021 |
Variation of Condition No. 18 (restriction of community hub building to D1 use... |
Pending Consideration |
21/03836/FUL |
Mr N Marmont |
5th August 2021 |
Change of use from farm land to the siting of two log cabins with associated... |
Pending Consideration |
18/05388/FUL |
Mr Sandells |
21st November 2018 |
Erection of a free range egg production unit for 16,000 birds including silos... |
Pending Consideration |
21/01680/TPO |
Mr Tim Drury |
9th April 2021 |
To crown uplift 1No Beech Tree protected by Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough... |
Pending Consideration |